
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On the Organic Church Movements Conference

Whew! The conference went well. We had 200+ people there from all over and as far away as South Africa. I am exhausted, in spite of the fact that others did all the work. Good delegation is either a sign of good leadership or good laziness. I would like to think that I have both spiritual gifts.

I appreciate all those who worked so hard to contribute to this time. Wow, there are so many. I am so honored to be part of this movement. I especially want to acknowledge Mike Jentes, Heather Cole and Chris Wright who were constantly working hard to keep things running. That deserves a "standing ovulation" (as my father used to say). Well, maybe we'll just clap our hands and slap you on the back, how does that sound?

Now that the conference is done I MUST concentrate on writing before I take off traveling again. I appreciate prayer that I would feel the wind of the Holy Spirit on my back as I start writing. I need the creativity of the Creator to get this done and done well. I am working on Primal Fire (with Alan Hirsch and Wolfgang Simson) which is too important a work to do poorly. Please pray.


  1. Neil, You have had the Holy Spirit blowing all over you for years. He will certainly give extra gusts on your project.

    Appreciatively yours,

    Bruce G

  2. Thanks Bruce. I do know how it feels and that is why I hunger for it now!


  3. enjoyed our time with you guys last week. praying for you guys as you seek the Spirit when writing this book.

  4. Hi Neil....we wait with anticipation for the book, Primal Fire. Has it been published yet? We are part of a housechurch network and have been doing some rethinking going from a focus on evangelism to a foundation of apostolic/prophetic....and have a sense that this book may give some of the answers we are searching for. Thank you, Valerie
