
Monday, April 29, 2013

Last Words are Lasting Words: Final Words from a Father to his Son (Before 1798)

I am fortunate to have my lineage  on my father's side clearly  documented to the 17th century in Holland. My family arrived in the Colonies shortly after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.

I was not raised with any spiritual heritage, but apparently there is much spiritual life in my family's roots. I have found that my family has Dutch Reformed background as well as Quaker roots. My Great-Great Grandfather (and namesake) went to a Wesleyan Seminary, and eventually became a lawyer and senator. So I guess I am sort of a spiritual mut.

His father, David Cole Jr., was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary war and wrote these last words to his eldest son.
Unto my wife and children whom I so dearly love I leave you these few lines that you may meditate sometime upon. In the first place I desire you to keep holy the sabbath day. Live in fear of God as if each day was to be your last, for our life is but an inch or two of time, therefore take my advice begin to serve the Lord in your young days before the evil days come. I desire you to live in brotherly and sisterly love among one another. Be kind unto your mother, let her not suffer nor cross her in her old age. My son David be kind to your little brother. Be not cross to him for that child lays close to my heart, he is your younger brother. I beg you to see that he gets good learning, likewise your two sisters so as to read and write. If he goes to a trade you and my friend Bodine see that he is not abused. I wish you to have care for him as he is a child. I love, God knows, you all and would fein stay some longer time with you, but the will of God must be done. We have not limited time here on earth but when death comes we must away. And death is the certain doom of all sooner or later and blessed are they that have God for a friend in that hour, my dear child. It is a melancholy thing to think, even to think to die without an interest in Christ. Therefore, as a dying father, take my advice and call on the Lord in your young days–it is the best time. Delays often prove dangerous for we are not sure of old age.
–David Cole Jr.
I'm indebted to my distant cousin Claudette Cole Johnson who sent this to me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm Baaaack! A New Book is Coming.

Hello friends in the blogosphere. Sorry I was away for a while. I was not on a media fast, as some of you can tell who follow me on twitter (@Neil_Cole), instagram or facebook. I have been writing a new book and I find that I am not able to blog and write a book at the same time. Some people can, I cannot. It usually takes me 4-5 months to write a book and that's about how long I have been away from Cole-Slaw. I turned the book in a couple weeks ago, traveled a bit, rested some (much needed after writing a book), and now I am back.

Just so that my audience knows, there are basically three modes I can be in at any one time: writing, traveling (training/coaching and extending the kingdom of God) or at home (resting, working and catching up). I find it hard to blog with any regularity during the former two modes so my blog will periodically slow down. I wish I could keep up with it like regular full time bloggers do but I cannot do that and fulfill the other things I'm called to. Of course those other things make the blogging I do more effective, so its a tension I am comfortable with.

Some have asked what book I have been working on. I am excited about it and think it may be one of my most important works. The working title is Primal Fire: Reigniting the power of the Ephesian 4:11 Gifts latent within all of God's people. Unlike my other books, this one is not a further elaboration of the implications of organic church or discipleship, but is a profound idea that can and should effect every follower of Christ in His kingdom. Like my other books this one is based upon 20 years of experience, trial and error and presents a whole lot of fresh insights into Scripture and the way we relate to one another.

I will wait until we are closer to a release date before I start getting into the ideas in this format. Suffice it to say I am excited about it and I want it to be very good. There is still a lot of editing work to be done on the project. It takes about 9 months from when a manuscript is turned in as a complete work to its actual release. In that time it goes through two rounds of editing and two rounds of proof reading. There is also the cover design, page layout, and marketing plans that are being developed. I wish it was quicker, but it is what it is. If it goes according to this schedule (which is no guarantee) we can expect a release around December of 2013 just in time for Christmas! And this will make a great gift for all your friends (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more).

I am working with a new publisher for me: Tyndale House Publishers. So I am not familiar with their usual process, I am simply describing the experience I have had with other publishers.