Jesus didn’t come to earth just to change your
Sunday morning routine and voting patterns. He came to change your life every
day and in every way. The power of change is for every one of us, not just
priests, pastors, and preachers. And everyone that is changed becomes a change
Today the “evangelicals” are quickly being duped to
support a bigoted, bombastic, bully who boasts of sexually conquering other
men’s wives and who profits off of other's gambling addictions and objectifying
young women. This tells us more about the state of evangelicals than the
candidate they support. We are no longer good news to this world.
My friend Lance Ford says in his book Revangelical:
What evangelical is supposed to mean—bringer of good news— is completely
different from what it has come to mean for many in our society: judgmental,
misogynist, bigoted, homophobic. How did this happen? How did the “good news”
people come to be widely regarded as bad news?
Evangelical literally means "gospel people" or good
news people. The gospel itself is all about transformation—change. We should be
the ones bringing a revolution of heart to the world. Instead, we spend our
time debating theological stances, moral codes, and political issues. We quickly
shout our offense at the world’s values and behaviors. We are people known for
resisting change. How did we get here? What will it take for us to rise up
again with a real revolution of love that the story of Christ truly merits?

This post is from the introduction to One Thing.
Love the blog post Mr. Cole. I agree on most of your points. Trump is certainly a blow-hard at best. Max Lucado has echoed similar feelings.
I am curious why the other serious candidates such as Hillary Clinton and even Sanders get a pass? Hillary and her husband are easily just as bad. They lie, cheat, steal at best and maybe have done things even worse, but everyone seems to focus on Trump. I won't be voting for him, but I also refuse to vote for Hillary or Sanders which means Libertarian or no vote at all for me.
Sorry I know this isn't the main point of your post, but I'm curious why so many pastors are focusing solely on Trump this election cycle.
Chuck, the article is about the lack of goodness among "evangelicals". Neither Clinton nor Sanders are gleaning large numbers from this block of voters. But if aTrump wins the nomination they may.
Thanks Neil for the response. Hillary is much more likely to win the presidency than Trump even if he gets the Republican nomination. Again sorry for getting off track, thank you.
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