The way we do
ministry is plagued by human engineering. Programs are intended to make people
more spiritual. We publish curriculum that are designed to make people more
faithful. Models of church are intended to entice attenders. We have systems
upon systems to accomplish what only God can do. In fact, most of what we call
discipleship in our churches is merely an attempt to form people’s knowledge
base and conform their behaviors to align with what we think is spiritual. The final product is really just theological moralists lacking true spiritual power. The
results, beyond church attendance and proud pew sitters, are pitiful, to say
the least.
We put faith in strategies of evangelism that are thought to be more
effective than others. Pragmatism
rather than the power of the gospel drives the evangelistic process in many
churches. If we do the process right, we believe, we will see a higher
rate of conversions per evangelistic event. One evangelistic method does not save more souls than another. In fact, an evangelistic method does not save any soul at all. Only the gospel of Jesus saves souls, not our methods. I can't save myself and I sure as heaven can't save you, no matter what method I employ. All of these types of ministry
exercises reek of human engineering and quickly lose sight of the miracle of
God’s promise and power. We have put more faith in our methods than in Jesus, and that is legalism. That is Galatianism.
We are so
driven by pragmatism— after all, we’re really trying to do good things—that we
are easily seduced toward a false-gospel spirituality. "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— which is really no gospel at all." (Gal. 1:6-7)
Really, the
only thing that is sacrificed by a false gospel is the true gospel. With that
sacrifice, we lose everything that is important and keep a lot of things we
think are important but have no real value. We do not lose our churches, our
leadership, our finances, our buildings, our branding, our statements of faith,
our creeds, our organization, our numerical success; even most of our theology
is kept in tact with this false-gospel spirituality. All we really lose is
everything most important, namely, Jesus (Gal. 5:2–4). Authentic spiritual life
is also lost (Gal. 5:6; 6:15). With that, any real impact on the world is lost
and replaced with organizations doing supposedly good things. What we lose is
what is most important: faith working through love.
legalistic methods to modify behavior is a resort to a false spirituality based
on a false gospel and it does not result in true fruit. If the true gospel of
grace is insufficient, then all other efforts will be meaningless in the end.
All that is not done in love is meaningless (1 Cor. 13:1–13).
become so content with a false gospel that we have no clue what the real thing
is. When we become so accustomed to the type of goodness that is only possible
by humans, we have no imagination for a goodness that is possible only by God.
As a result, we often see those without the Spirit of God actually doing better
and looking more loving than those who supposedly have the Holy Spirit. This
dumbing down of love is evident in our churches to such an extent that none are
attracted to us but are actually repelled by us.
Can the gospel be enough? I am convinced it is the
only thing that is enough. I will live or die on that belief. If we are not
willing to bet the farm on the true gospel to change lives, and instead we
hedge our bets with a little do-it-yourself spirituality mixed in for the sake
of practicality, then we are selling our whole selves to a false gospel. We
must choose between the whole gospel or no gospel—there is no in-between.
For my part, I
do not want anything to do with a Christianity void of love. But most people in
the world already know the dirty little secret: our churches are not driven by
faith working itself out in love. We can say otherwise, but nobody hears us,
because our lack of love shouts so loudly in our posture, priorities, and
practices. In much of Christendom we have replaced an authentic spirituality
with behavior conformed to a moral standard and accepted that as a Christian
The worst
consequence of all when we choose do-it-yourself spirituality is that we get
what we wanted—a Christianity all on our own.
without Christ is an awful thing.
This Post is an excerpt form my book One Thing: A Revolution To Change The Word With Love
Great words. It is truly impossible to under estimate the transformative power of gospel grace. I am so thankful that God had moved me away from morals toward the gospel. It is freedom!
Great words. It is truly impossible to under estimate the transformative power of gospel grace. I am so thankful that God had moved me away from morals toward the gospel. It is freedom!
Thanks for the kind words Tiffany. Welcome to grace.
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