Here's a link to a short article by Neil Cole. As you know, I'm a big fan of Neil's. He promotes disciple-making and church multiplication more than convert-making and congregation growth.
In this piece, he contrasts movement-based leadership -- a growing trend in the church -- with organization-based leadership -- the current model in most churches. As a business person and a self-styled visionary leader, I felt like arguing with Neil on a few of his recommendations. He wants leaders to empower their followers to develop many, individual visions, whereas I prefer leaders to develop and promote a single vision for an organization. He wants to move away from strategic (controlling) leadership whose goal is to direct the organization toward a predetermined outcome, and replace it with process (order-imposing) leadership that leaves the outcome undefined. I prefer the strategic view for both business and personal reasons (according to the MBTI system, I'm type ENTJ, the "field marshal").
As I reflected on my objections, I was reminded of our model leader. Jesus started a movement, not an organization. While he set an overarching objective for the church -- to make disciples -- he did not communicate a unique vision of church life, nor did he impose on us a list of objectives for the various jobs and functions inside the church. Rather, he left each of us to seek and find our own vision with regard to our place in the body and our ministry. Instead of a church-building strategy with well-defined benchmarks or outcomes, Jesus focused more on the people and the process. Upon reflection, I had to accept, grudgingly, that Neil was on to something with his recommendations.
I'm sure that God has a role in his church for visionaries and strategists like me. I'm sure that he loves to use large congregations and controlling managers, as well. Neil Cole, in this piece, mentions that his new book on Church Transfusion is meant to add movement-style leadership within the context of the current structure, not to replace the current structure. This comment makes his views a bit easier for me to accept and appreciate.
I hope that you will take a couple of minutes to review the article and that it will be useful to you. As always, your comments are most welcome.
Here's the URL: http://www.cmaresources.org/article/old-vs-new-leadership_neil-cole
Love and blessings,
David Wittenberg
The Innovation Workgroup
Below I am including the graphic from the article mentioned that contrasts the old command and control view of leadership with the new movmental...